Quarantine Survival Guide

My online presence is slim to none these days. I literally felt my breath being taken away each time I scrolled my timeline (FB in particular). Today I am OK. I feel energetic and engaged just enough to share what I’ve been doing these days. During this quarantine, it’s been a challenge for me to keep “situational anxiety” to a minimum. However, the more I institute each item listed below, the more I am well enough to find the strength to keep on keeping on.

Let me also say this: Everyone’s strength, focus, survival, devotion, fortitude, coping skills, grief, productivity and everything in between IS DIFFERENT. Let’s continue to respect those differences while remaining aware and sensitive to each other. Pinky Promise?

Here are a few things I am doing to stay sane and healthy these days. I hope it helps someone:

  1. Constant Communication with GOD - this is my lifeline. It is where I cry out whenever I want. It is where I exhibit my gratitude and cast my cares. It is where I intercede for the world and for my aunt who is fervently fighting in ICU (she is progressing daily - thank you Jesus!). It’s where I can be exactly who I am and vulnerable and weak and gain the strength and courage to continue fighting for myself, my loved ones, my friends and even strangers. It’s called PRAYER. If you don’t know what to say or how to even begin, start with this: Psalm 23.

  2. Worship Music - Tasha Cobbs Leonard, This is a Move and Jesus Image Choir, Way Maker has been on repeat on YouTube.

  3. Bible Study - Lead by my husband has been amazing. He misses ministering at the prisons and seeing the men who are incarcerated (please pray for him and the men who he is passionately carrying in the spirit). We’ve definitely established our Home Church away from our Church Home. If you are alone during this time, you can still read your Word. Consider subscribing to a daily devotional like YouVersion (app).

  4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation - this is an exercise that reduces stress and anxiety in your body by having you slowly tense and then relax each muscle group. If you don’t have a therapist, check out TherapistAid.com for other exercises and guided therapy.

  5. Yoga and Walk Away the Pounds - I am restricted at this time from strenuous exercise, but these two exercise programs (YouTube) are amazing. Remember, physical activity of any kind aids in stress reduction and contributes to great mental health. Also, don’t feel pressured to sport your best workout gear! For me, wearing my “house leggings” with the thigh hole helps me stay humble and grounded. LOL

  6. Fresh Air - I step out on our balcony (with my mask on) to soak up a little sun and to get some fresh air. It is really refreshing and helps combat the “closed in” feeling.

  7. Herbal Teas - Since I’ve had to give up coffee last summer (I tried going back to it a few weeks this Winter and it didn’t fair well with me…wahhhhhhhhhhhh), I’ve been enjoying teas. During this quarantine, I am drinking Burdock Root, Chamomile, Green and Ginger teas). You’ll be surprised at the benefits of herbal teas. It’s especially good to consume them hot/warm.

  8. Balanced Diet - I don’t know about you, but when I’m stressed I don’t eat. For some, I know stress has the opposite affect (sorry). Therefore, it’s important that I am getting the majority of my nutrients through my food. Green, leafy veggies are among the foods that you MUST consume for a healthy gut and ample vitamins to keep your Immune System in tip top shape.

  9. Communication with Family and Friends - I am used to being able to touch, hug and see expressions! During this quarantine, it has been essential for me to remain somewhat present for my family and friends and vice versa. Video chats, texts, etc have been God-send during this time. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open even if its a simple text that just says “hi!”

  10. RHOA - Listen balance is important to me! Period.